American LaFrance / LTI
Truck 4 is a 100' mid-mount Spartan Gladiator / LTI from American LaFrance, and was purchased to replace a 1984 Sutphen 100' platform.
"Make a Hole, Truck Co. commin' through" !
The Truck Company is basically a tool box on wheels. The inventory of tools and appliances carried on the apparatus are as varried as the jobs the company is expected to perform. Typical operations can include laddering, ventilation, forcible entry, search & rescue and securing of utilities. |
Click the picture to visit American LaFrance / LTI website.
What in the heck is that thing on the on the grill????
That my friends is known as a "Roto-Ray". Although not very common in upstate New York, you will find them in full force through out the state of Maryland. The design is simple. Take two red light bulbs, add one white one, spin them in a circle, light them up and watch the traffic move like the "parting of the Red Sea". We were so impressed with this one on the truck, we replaced the small light bar on the grill of Engine 3 with one. |
Truck 4 on the factory floor at American LaFrance's facility outside Lancaster Pa.
Other pictures comming soon.